
Axie Infinity Classic Collectible Colosseum update

1 year ago

Sky Mavis has initiated an exciting update for Axie Infinity's Classic version. This update introduces a new game mode called Collectible Coliseum and a series of other innovations to the game.

Named Collectible Coliseum, this new game mode is specifically designed for collectible axes and comes with a prize pool of 1000 AXS. To play the mode, you need to possess certain axes: Mystic, Origin, Xmas, or Japan axie. Rewards are given to players who win the mode. For example, if you play with a Mystic axis and conquer the Cursed Coliseum, you earn 2 AXS.


The update also includes AXP changes. The daily AXP limit has been raised to 12,500 AXP per axis, and the amount of AXP earned in the Arena has been increased to 200. Winning in the Grand Tournament grants you 400 AXP, while the Coliseum mode can reward you with varying amounts of AXP per match.


This update brings exciting new content and more rewards for Axie Infinity Classic players. For more details and information about the update, you can visit Sky Mavis' official website.

For information, please visit our Axie infinity

